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Chapter Earns Chapter of the Year Honors for the Second Straight Year



Chapter Earns Chapter of the Year Honors for the Second Straight Year

The Connecticut Westchester chapter has been named CoreNet Global Chapter of the Year for small and medium-size chapters for an unprecedented second straight year. The award was announced at the CoreNet Global Summit in Anaheim, Calif. This marked the third time in six years that the chapter received this honor. In announcing the award, CoreNet Global cited, among other things, the strides we made this year in governance, board structure and succession planning. From left, with the trophy, chapter members Peter Holland, BenchCoRE; Jim Scannell, Travelers; Becky Nolan, MetroHartford Alliance; Ron Zappile, BenchCoRE; Gene Goddard, MetroHartford Alliance; Dan Elman, chapter Executive Director; Scott Tibbo, JLL, chapter Vice President; and Dave Jackson, Red Thread.
